Introduction !
I feel the need to add first off that this photo of me is the real deal, on a daily basis. You can generally catch me working from my home office in my black legging a hoodie and a coffee in my hand, or very close by.
Hi everyone ! My name is Justine (if you haven’t already visited the about us page) I am a professional bookkeeper and own a bookkeeping firm located in rural Northern Ontario, Canada. Being a farmers wife and having two young kids the decision to start my business to give me more flexibility to have a professional career as well as be a hands on mom seemed like a necessary jump. My only regret is not doing it sooner.
My education is in Business Accounting from Sault College and my employment experience spans over almost a decade with organizations both small and large. I’m always looking for ways to expand my current skill set and make connections with individuals along the way.
I’d like to be able to share some tips and other bookkeeping knowledge on this blog as well as have an informal platform to share whats on my mind and be a support for others.